Share Your Class Build and Win


Kartefants & Merkhadians each had to choose a path by deciding on a class to represent their character and abilities. With each having their own set of pros and cons, a unique set of skills, tactics, and strategies were born.

Tiers & Rewards!

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Class build and strategies must be proven in-game in order to qualify.
  • Class build and strategies must be explained in detail to qualify.
  • Qualified Warfarians will be personally messaged and be rewarded.
  • Your character name must be shown in the post to show you are a proven character.
  • You may post one or more classes in separate threads.
  • If you want to make any changes to your post, simply edit your post.

Share at the Forum

Here’s a simple guide on how to share your class build

Step 1: Visit Class Build at the Forum

Step 2: Select a class

Step 3: Click on +New topic

Step 4: Be creative with your title

Step 5: Refer to the template below for what you should include. Feel free to improve and use your own set of points to elaborate your build. Be creative and have fun writing about your character.

Template Example:

Be creative with your title

About the Author:
Explain about yourself. Your in game character name. Your experience in Warfare Online. How long have you been playing, etc…

Character Name:
Your ingame character name

Pick a class you can best explain

State your character’s level

Class Stats:
Explain stats used

Explain the skills used and how each benefits you

Explain what your character uses in terms of weapons, armors, jewels, etc.

Explain the Potions you use

Include Playstyle, Mechanics & Strengths of the build

All Warfarians are welcome to participate.
Whether you are a writer or not, if your class build explanation is impressive and done properly with effort and passion, the rewards shall be yours!
Therefore, start drafting your perfect, proven class build right away!

“Keeping knowledge erodes power, sharing gives you so much more.”