Season 16 : Update #8 (G Mode Cooldown Reduced) [BETA]


An important aspect of the Race war is the involvement of all the classes present together, making a joint effort towards conquering the other race. Lately, a gameplay has been discovered with the use of G Mode where some Warfarians do not rely on their support classes but depend on G mode even if it means death after striking the enemy.

The continuous usage of G mode has neglected the time needed to regroup battle formations with party members to obtain buffs from support classes. This gameplay instills a rather careless method of gaining self-victory defying the sole purpose of a race war. With this, the entire race faces defeat due to negligence of the support classes buffs.

Therefore, G mode cooldown has been reduced in war maps. The importance of this is to inspire Warfarians to work along with their race to conquer the other. The objective is to defeat the other race and not to leave your race left hanging. In order to do so, each race has to construct battle formations, rely on support classes and work as a team to ensure this. In a race war, self victory is no victory at all…