Season 15: Update #4 (Disembark to Fort Pendant)

Said to be over 300 years old, the Fort Pendant is beautifully built with a pendant like design from the top view and contains ruins of palaces and other structures. The Fort was built near the seas to protect Arcadia from intruders that would come in via the only possible sea route. From an economic and strategic perspective, Fort Pendant is one of the most important shipping lanes in Arcadia with many ships aligned at the docks waiting to embark and disembark at a busy schedule.

With all the resources Fort Pendant has, the place has seen war a few times. Being in such a strategic place, the ones who conquer the fort is said to have an upper-hand in ruling Arcadia. The news has spread across now, Kartefants and Merkhadians are eager to set their feet on this ground. They both know there’s no power bigger then the both of them and it will only be fight to death in securing this majestic fort.

Fort Pendant, the battlezone of Arcadia is waiting, Warfarians…

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No more monkey jumping from top :rofl: