Season 14: Event #5 (Santa Demon’s Dirty Laundry Anyone?)

The Christmas season comes but once a year, a time to fill your hearts with fun and cheer. We wish you all the blessing a Christmas day can bring! Merry Christmas Warfarians!

The time of the year is here, Warfarians. Christmas isn’t all jingle bells and jolly old St. Nick. There are monsters lurking about, and they don’t come from the North Pole but from Caernarvon instead.
Tiny, cute little Santa Christmas Demons will lurk after hiding underground the whole year until the first snow, then wander around nearby towns in Caernarvon for the next 7 days. They’re benign beings who avoid Humans and Akkans, on the whole. However, they have been known to harbor interesting items in their dirty laundry bags. As much as their looks can be deceiving, those dirty laundry bags they carry don’t really contain laundry but Snowman’s, DingDong’s and Special Santa Pots that can only be obtained this time of the year. Hunt them tiny little demons spread across the land now…