Season 13: Guild War #1 Winners

Everyone has the fire, but the champions know when to ignite the spark

Guild War #1 of Season 13 had been a neck and neck action
between the guilds as each Warfarian fought an immense
battle to gain victory!

The grand winner of Season 13’s Guild War#1 who are Merkhadians
secured the title by using strategy throughout the 1 hour war.
With unique members each having their own battle skills,
the HelloKitty Guild is celebrated as The First Conquerors of this event!

Congratulations to the other winners for securing their
rank in this event too. Thank you for participating and
Stay tuned for the upcoming Guild War #2 as the champion
will be acclaimed as The Invincible Kings!

On the rare occasion that 2 guilds score the same number of points in the guild war, there is a tie-breaker that selects the guild which held the #1 position at the end of the guild war is the champion. With that being said,HelloKitty managed to hold the leading position in the end and secured the win.```