Season 13: Event #15 (Caernarvon Gold Boost)

The monsters in Caernarvon have been acting like kings lately and everyone is confused as to why.
They walk around the lands with their heads held high as if they have won a very valuable price. In all that prance of ruthless ego, it is found that these pesky monsters have indeed won a lottery-- with lots and lots of Gold in possession. So much Gold that none can resist and for the ones who want it, all it takes is to hunt them down. With all of this, the rampage black market is just waiting for Warfarians to use the Gold for valuable items. Nonetheless, with the bunch of Gold to be obtained, it is the right time to try upgrading annihilator armors that requires a lot of Gold to +8 indeed.

“The desire for Gold is not for Gold, it is for the reward it can give in this world”