Season 12 : Update #5(Firewing Exploit Rectified)

There has been an exploit from the Firewing skill which allows
Runeoff’s to attack their enemies mercilessly while on peace mode
Some Runeoff’s have been casting Firewing spells relentlessly
and abusing the power they have. The exploit has been abused
particularly at the Arena towers and while farming metals and gems

War and Farming seemed no longer honorable as the exploit to
use the Firewing took place without hesitation

But nothing last forever
The call for honor was heard and the Firewing spell of Runeoff’s
are temporarily reduced to prevent the exploitation and an unfair
game play from taking place

Though the time to tame her and overcome the exploit has come
it will not last long until the spell is fixed
It is only temporary and she will rise again once her honor retains