Season 12 : Update #1(100% Fame increase in Battle Lohan)

Warfarians gather around and spread the news!!

From today, the 6th of March 2020 onwards,
experience the intense battles in Battle Lohan
with 100% permanent Fame increase!
It’s time to awaken the fire inside of you!
Battle your way through the multi region game modes only in Battle Lohan!
Rise in fame or cry in vain!

Explore unique regions with different themes at the Battle Lohan.
Each creating its own tactical motives and game play.
Ignite the thrill exploring different game modes with
these regions meanwhile battling your enemies.

Alcatraz, the abandoned dungeon

Kattegat, the river bridge connecting your enemies

Abaddon, the depiction of hell

Valhalla, the Ottoman empire desert battleground

Corinthia, the Viking’s land of cold winter

Dreadfort, the dead man island

Agios, the gladiator ring in the center of the sea

Be fearless and gain the 100% Fame increase at the Battle Lohan
or be afraid of death and stay back at the safezones in the Arena.
The call is yours.