Season 11 : Event #18(250% Fame boost! 12.12 Battle Lohan)

In the Battle Lohan,
There is no safezone to take shelter…
In the Battle Lohan,
The race with the highest number of kills is the victor!
In the Battle Lohan,
Only true Warfarians can handle the heat!

There has been massive growth in
Kartefants and Merkhadians…
The numbers of Warfarians who are in thirst for War has been rapidly growing…
There will be a very brutal War tonight!

Who will emerge victorious in the Battle Lohan?
Kartefants or Merkhadians?

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

The 250% Fame boost is applied on:
12th to 14th December 2019 at the Battle Lohan

Gold PVP rewards have been removed from the Battle Lohan