Season 10 : Update #2(E-LVL calibrated )

Our target for this update is to decrease the fame gap between the new generation and old generation players. We are also putting a resolution to the Auto-E level in population difference during Arena and Battle Lohan war. We have also improved the overall gem droprate.

PVP Balance: E-level

In order to reduce the gap between old high fame players and newbies, we have made a bracket that will also control the magnitude of the E-level status
bonus effect towards the sustained damage/defense(%) in PVP.

Calibrated Auto E-level for Arena and Lohan

We have completely revised the Auto E-level system to provide an accurate balancing system towards the ratio of population difference between the 2 races in Arena and Lohan. This will simplify the E-level system in a way that it will react faster and provide a precised forecast in switching between the E status of each race.

For every 8 population difference a (+E1) will be added to race with lower population and a (-E1) to the race with the higher population.


Human 58
Akkan 50

The Auto E-level will result to:
Human = -E1
Akkan = +E1

Human 80
Akkan 104

The Auto E-level will result to:
Human = +E3
Akkan = -E3

Large and Giant gem drop rate at 1000%

-Reduced the difficulty in Gem farming
-Large and Giant gem drop rate has been improved
-Increased the number of metamorphic spawn in Edinburgh Castle
-Added Metamorphics in Grand Pole Valley