Season 10 : Update #11 (Skill Update BETA)

Greetings Warfarians,

Skill changes are effectively applied to the live server on 13th June 2019. From the time of release, we will be keeping these changes in BETA stages to evaluate the extent that the skills are ready for full on use with adaptation from our gamers.

As much as balance is hard to achieve, this update is designed to improve this issue and we believe with Beta testing live up on action, our community can give us their best support and feedback to shape the game into evolving better.

Our community has also raised concerns on certain classes such as Enchanters & Priests, referring them as ‘boring’ and ‘weak’. The boost to these classes are intended to make these classes more fun and efficient in PVP combats.

Check out the affected classes as well as identify some specific skill changes in these particular classes.

The weaken skill spices up action now by damaging enemies during war.
This skill update is applied to Enchanters only.

The disenchant skill has been redesigned to destroy and dispell off all types of enhancements similar to the Relieve skill, however affecting only a single target at any given time.
Applied to Enchanters and Priests only.

The relief skill has an increased area of target up to 10%, providing wider range of skill effects which applies to all Officiators.