Pre Alpha-0 Key Holders Selection


The selection process has started for Pre Alpha-0 Key holders of the New Game from the Web Account Transfer Registration list to serve as Game Testers. These eligible participants will have the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the initial stages of the game and make a meaningful impact on its development.

In Pre Alpha-0, the game will be functional but still in need of multiple rounds of testing and bug fixing. This exciting opportunity offers players the chance to experience the New Game in its early stages and contribute to its growth.

The New Game is its own entity, separate from Warfare Online in terms of design and branding, as it will be built using the Unreal Engine 5 platform. Updates on the selection process and Pre Alpha-0 testing phase will be provided periodically with chosen participants reached out via their Web Account Transfer Registration ticket submitted.


Wow. Top player.

Me nub sir… u are pro warrior op